**PicTuReS oF My FaMilY**
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~BLooDS ThiCkeR thAn H2o~
Here are some pics of my aunt, uncles, cousins and of my papou!

These are my FaVoRitE Olsons in the WorLd
My Thia MaRia, cute lil cousin BoBBy and my Uncle PhiL!

Thia MaRia and lil Elaina
This is a pic of my ThiA MaRia holding my cute new little cousin ElaiNa...she's my Uncle MiKe's baby.

My PaPou (Tsarna) and lil Elaina
Here's a pic of my PaPou and of my cute lil cousin ElaiNa!

KiDs..Don'T TrY ThiS @ HoME!!!
This is a picture of my UncLe PeTe doin' his table thing...he can lift up tables with this bare teeth!!! Wow, he's got a great dental plan!!