**PicTuReS oF My FaMilY** | ||
Apxn(start) | DeDicaTed | To SoY | DayTimE FUn | NiGhtTime FUn | PaNiGiRi FUn | ADDB | CheCk OuT |
~BLooDS ThiCkeR thAn H2o~ Here are some pics of my aunt, uncles, cousins and of my papou! |
These are my FaVoRitE Olsons in the WorLd My Thia MaRia, cute lil cousin BoBBy and my Uncle PhiL! |
Thia MaRia and lil Elaina This is a pic of my ThiA MaRia holding my cute new little cousin ElaiNa...she's my Uncle MiKe's baby. |
My PaPou (Tsarna) and lil Elaina Here's a pic of my PaPou and of my cute lil cousin ElaiNa! |
KiDs..Don'T TrY ThiS @ HoME!!! This is a picture of my UncLe PeTe doin' his table thing...he can lift up tables with this bare teeth!!! Wow, he's got a great dental plan!! |